Saturday, April 21, 2018

Income Funnels 101: The Techniques Behind Selling Online

Robert Kanaat of explains the  machanics behind selling online in Sales Funnels 101: The Mechanics Behind Selling Online

This principle of pain versus pleasure can easily be leveraged by positioning your products or services in the right way to help leverage this strategically.

When you think about pleasure, you can also think about the benefit.

What’s the biggest benefit (pleasure) that a consumer is going to get when they buy what you’re selling. You also have to think about what they’re going to avoid (pain).

According to Tony Robbins, all human desire is based on one foundational principle. That principle states that we will always do more to avoid pain than we will to gain pleasure.

The best marketers in the world understand this principle.

They work to invoke pain and pleasure in all of their marketing. The best are able to strategically interweave these into their pitches and letters and sign-up forms.

However, before you get ahead of yourself, you have to understand some of the underlying psychology that drives people to buy.

Keep in mind that almost no one wants to buy what you’re selling. They just don’t.

Your success depends, not on them wanting what you have, but on your ability to influence them in a way that will get them to buy.

To do that, you need a sales . That sales funnel will help you influence your prospect’s decision to buy whatever it is that you’re peddling through the fervent powers of persuasion.

Sales funnels are also quite possibly one of the most important concepts in business. 

They help you sell on autopilot.

They can take your company from zero to hero in lightning speed.

Think weeks and months as opposed to years and decades.

That’s how important they are. Thus, by understanding and wielding prowess over this single business concept, you can literally hop on your own personal rocket ship to the moon.

Anyone who’s mildly interested in business needs to understand the concept of the sales funnel. But what are sales funnels and how do they work?

In essence, they’re automated sales processes configured to increase sales and conversions. At the end of the day, sales funnels offer the path of least resistance and highest probability to growing and scaling a business fast, no matter the present size, industry or niche it’s in.

The Art & The Science Of A Sales Funnel

When you look at how sales funnels operate, it’s clear that there’s a science to it. It’s a science based on traffic, leads and sales.

It means a deep-rooted analysis of conversions and understanding where the customer came from and how far along they got in the funnel before either dropping off or successfully completing the sale.

But there’s also an art to sales funnels.

That art invokes an age-old skill that dates back to the beginning of our species–storytelling.

Just how well you can pitch a story within the framework of your sales funnel will ultimately guarantee your success or failure.

If that story doesn’t fit into the framework of your sales funnel and it doesn’t appeal to the target market, or if the offer is simply not an irresistible one, your efforts will falter and fail.

Urgency And Scarcity?

Think about the diamond for a moment. Diamonds are rare. But so is gold.

That’s scarcity at work. The more scarcity there is, the higher the price.

There’s a direct correlation there. That’s also true with urgency. When a sale is going to expire, for example, very soon, we’re more inclined to purchase something. Even if we don’t need it at that moment.

There’s major urgency at play here. That’s why you always see sales that are for a “limited time” because it just works.

Here are a few statistics about urgency and scarcity that will likely get the wheels turning in your mind:

-Urgency results in a 59% higher transaction-to-click rates and effectively double the rate compared to emails that were “average” and didn’t use urgency

-Urgency used in the subject lines of emails increased sales by 16% (i.e. limited time offers and expiring discounts)

-Colors like orange and red are used to persuade more people to click

-Count-down timers are very effective in conveying urgency in sales better than almost anything else and create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) that often gets a majority of people to act

Urgency is more effective when instructions are given on precisely what actions you want the prospect to take

Using Persuasion Effectively

Persuasion doesn’t just work by offering something for free or by building rapport.

When it comes to a sales funnel, the more social proof you have, the easier the sale will be. If, for example, you have 50 authentic videos of people claiming how much your product or service has helped them, closing the deal will be easier.

If you don’t have that, it doesn’t mean you can’t persuade someone to buy. It will just be a bit harder and take a much longer email sequence.

When you’re trying to build an effective sales funnel, if you can get a prospect to do 3 things and the 4th is asking for the sale, it will almost always work.

In fact, this is likely to increase your conversions the most.

If you can do this effectively, and make the tasks very manageable and easy, you’ll be able to close the sales with ease. If you can’t do it, you’ll likely struggle.

The Hook, Headline & Framework

Ask Russell Brunson on how to build an effective sales funnel, and he’ll likely tell you something like this. It’s all about the hook, headline and the framework.

That’s the hard part. Once that’s there, the balance is just filling the spaces.

For example, if you’re doing a webinar funnel, figure out the hook, headline and framework, then everything else will come together. But that’s easier said than done for average people who aren’t as skilled at marketing.

But, what you’ll notice is that every 2 comma club award winner (and 8 figure club winner) has paid homage to this exact saying.

They’ve created a compelling hook, written an insatiable headline, and structured out a rock-solid framework for their offer.

In fact, if you ask Russell, that’s really where he spends the majority of the time. In essence, it’s thinking out the offer.

What’s going to compel them to move forward? What’s going to build enough curiosity to really reel them in?

What Are Sales Funnels?

To better understand what sales funnels are and how you can leverage them to grow your business, you first have to understand the varying stages of a funnel.

If you’ll imagine a sales funnel for a moment, just think about a regular funnel and how it works.

At the top, you pour in some liquid or other substance, and it gets filtered down into a finite point where it then exits out the funnel in a very focused trajectory.

Image credit to expatmoneyhow

How Do Funnels Work?

The concept of a sales funnel is simple.

It moves a prospect from essentially just coming into contact with you, to actually spending money with you.

But the best and most impressive part about sales funnels are that they can literally take your business through an exponential rise almost overnight.

Now, no one is guaranteeing you riches here. But this very concept in business can certainly fuel growth at any stage.

Understand and leverage a sales funnel, and you’ll understand how you create explosive, almost-overnight results.

The Stages Of A Funnel

Sales Funnel Stages

Image credit to

Stage 1: Awareness

This is where a prospect learns that there’s a solution to his or her problem and you have that solution.

And the more you deliver in this first stage, the more likely you’ll have their undivided attention.

Because, if a person gets valuable information from you for free, they’ll instantly want more and they’ll be willing to pay for that information.

That’s how you earn their trust. In fact, blogs work very much the same way.

The content you put out there helps you to build awareness.

Stage 2: Interest

Sales doesn’t happen right away. Not upon first contact, at least. Did you know that the average consumer needs roughly 90 days before making a purchase decision?

However, to increase that, they need to be constantly exposed to you, your product or your service.

They say that an exposure of somewhere around 20 times often drives that interest into the next stage, which is the decision.

However, where most people falter and fail is in this stage.

They get discouraged when the sale doesn’t happen right away.

Keep in mind that it often doesn’t work that way.

Now, there are exceptions to this rule.

That’s why the free-plus-shipping model is so popular.

One, the power of the word free is extremely compelling. Two, is that it helps get customers through the door.

Stage 3: Decision

This is where they become convinced to buy whatever it is that you’re peddling.

Ways to help speed this along are things like offering up social proof.

That certainly drives the decision.

But also by creating a deep bond between yourself and the prospect.

You have to become relatable to them.

You have to be fallible. Expose your vulnerabilities.

It might seem awkward, but that’s how you connect with others.

This is also the stage where much of your persuasion and psychology of selling pays off.

This is where it all pays off.

Thus, the more you can interweave things like urgency and scarcity into your marketing message, while also leveraging the other strategies such as micro-commitments, the quicker that decision is going to happen.

If you can’t, you’ll find that it takes far longer this to occur.

Stage 4: Action

The more you have long-term strategic thinking as opposed to short-term desires for gains, the better you’ll fair in the long term.

That’s just the way that it works.

While getting to this stage is a win, actually helping the customer change their lives and achieve something that you teach is the real win.

As Brunson calls it, impact and income.

The goal is to make a considerable impact on the lives of your customers. Income should be secondary.

When you think in terms of the long-term implications of your actions, and think less in the ways of in the right-here-right-now, the more you’ll win in the end.

All this takes is a shift in thinking.

Source Sales Funnels 101: The Mechanics Behind Selling Online – ClickFunnels

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